Board Highlight: Kelly Soloman


Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a young person receive a laptop of their own for the very first time. 

Q.  As a Inspiredu board member, what are you most excited about?

Inspiredu is a win-win proposition for the Atlanta technology community.  Inspiredu is a great partner to families and schools and they are also a great partner to business.  Business is able to responsibly recycle equipment with Inspiredu and in turn, Inspiredu breathes a second life into the equipment for underserved students and young adults in our community.  Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a young person receive a laptop of their own for the very first time.  The technology in the hands of a student means power.  It empowers them in their education and learning.  It makes a difference in their future and an immediate positive impact to the family through the family engagement that Inspiredu fosters.


Q. What is your current job and what does it involve?

I am the Director of IT Services for Rollins.  I am a problem-solver, process-improver and fixer by nature.  I also have a passion for developing others.  I work with a great bunch of people and we provide an eclectic mix of services to keep the business running, like wireless mobility, asset management, telecom expense management, ServiceNow development, brand support and mail services.


Q. How do you relate to Inspiredu’s mission, values, and/or work. 

My husband, Francis, and I are child-free.  We do not have children of our own (and don’t try to give us yours).  However, as cliché as it may be, I do believe that investing in our youth is investing in our collective future.  There is a widening chasm in education today with technology.  Technology is a must-have and even required to check a child’s grades and progress in school.  Even though it is a must have, there are many students who are without.  Inspiredu is working to close the gap with physical hardware, but also family engagement and education.  The family engagement is also a must-have to ensure a better outcome for the child.  I firmly believe in the Inspiredu mission and vision and our communities are better with them in our world.


Q.  What is a day like in the life of Kelly Solomon?

A day in the life of Kelly Solomon is pretty boring and that is okay by me.  I struggle to get up this time of year with the colder weather and darker mornings.  Once I convince myself that it is time to be an adult, I’m off to the races.  I thoroughly enjoy my work and I love the people I work with.  I work hard for my teams and they are amazing.  The more I help build them up, the less they need me – and that is okay by me.  I have spent my life trying to work myself out of a job, which is the way I think it should be.  Afterwork, I am often going to class or doing homework.  I am working on earning my MBA.  But my most favorite thing to do is spend time with my husband of almost 10 years.  We still have great conversations.  We enjoy going to the movies, traveling and pretty much anything with critters.  We have swum with otters, played with wolves and even hunted with falcons.  We have four cats at home.  We picked up the fourth pet during the pandemic when the previous owner could no longer care for him.  He is a 21+ pound Maine Coon and he acts very much like a dog.  I miss having dogs, so I am pretty fond of this guy because he hangs out with me like a dog would, follows me around and he is bigger than a lot of dogs.  My cat can probably eat your dog!

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