A Heartfelt Letter From A Mom

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My son is a 16-year-old Senior in a dual degree program. He is enrolled at Sandy Creek High School and Georgia Military College, he previously was at Banneker High School in Fulton County. Many of his good friends come from lower-income families and they don't have access to computers (laptops or desktops). They would constantly come over and use my son's computer for school work. I was SO GLAD to refer them to your program.

Due to COVID-19, I knew this had to change, the kids couldn't come over but I didn't want their grades to suffer. After explaining this to Lisa was kind enough to email me the form so I could email it to the parents and they could apply for your program. I know this because they were so excited they called my son and showed his via their cell phone the computers. They were so excited to have a laptop! This mom has the 6 kids and I know her income wouldn't allow her to get the three older boy's computers.

If you want to know if your program is needed and does it help the community, the answer is YES! This program is so important especially now with COVID-19. Many of our kids, my son included will be doing their work virtually. Just as this program being important I think having staff that answer questions, return calls, and don't look down on a mother of 6 is as important.

Just a mom,
J. Harmon