Board Highlight: Damian Apone


Q.  As a Inspiredu board member, what are you most excited about?  

 As an Inspiredu board member, I am most excited about having the ability to make a significant impact on my local community. Being able to witness firsthand the positive impact that Inspiredu has had and continues to make within the community gets me very excited. The changes we are facilitating are not just individual changes but have the opportunity to be positive generational changes.


Q. What is your current job and what does it involve?  

 I currently serve as the Global Director of Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Security Program for Genuine Parts Company. My job involves working with employees across the globe to ensure that GPC remains secure. Part of my responsibilities includes ensuring that we raise the level of our Security Awareness among employees across the globe through training.


Q.  What is a day like in the life of Damian?

 A day in the life of Damian is filled with lots and lots of meetings from early in the morning to later in the evening. In my work, I interact with fellow employees in Europe and Australia, which can make the days very long.


Q. How do you relate to Inspiredu’s mission, values, and/or work?

 The mission of Inspiredu is to help underserved youth develop the skills needed for education and career success through technology-based learning tools and engagement activities with their families, communities, and schools. What really inspired me to join this organization was the commitment by the team to not just provide the technology but also to provide the training and development of the students as well as their families! This, coupled with the fact that we are focused 100% on Georgia and our local communities, is truly the definition of giving back to the community. Giving to Inspiredu by donating time, money, or technology has a tremendous impact locally and is the easiest way to contribute to any local organization. I am a huge proponent of skill development and training, as within my area of work we continue to see skill shortages. The more that we can match up skills/development with work needs, the stronger everyone gets!