Meet Digital Champion: Jude Fils-Aime

At Inspiredu, we understand that people have various goals and future ambitions to concentrate on, which is why we do not take volunteers for granted. Most of all, we’re highly thrilled to have, Jude Fils-Aimé, give his time, talent, and tech skills as a Digital Champion.

Jude, who is the Enterprise Mobile Security Lead at Verizon Business Group, has actively shown interest in helping others succeed by volunteering for several charitable organizations where this passion can be fueled. With hopes to honor the teachings of a loving mother and people who were significant in his uprising, Jude aims at being a continuous cheerful giver with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in mind; “anyone can serve.” 

While striving to achieve more in the volunteering space, Jude became an Inspiredu Digital Champion, where he helps others by sharing his knowledge and insights from years of experience in his field of expertise. According to Jude, you don’t know what you know until you can teach it, and for him, becoming a Digital Champion means that he can assist someone get closer to the achievement of their goals.

According to Jude, every engagement from his experience volunteering at Inspredu has been unique and rewarding. From volunteering at the Inspiredu golf tournament to the weekly Digital Champion sessions, the highlight of his experience remains the gratitude received for the willingness to help alone. “I don’t wish for less problems, only a greater capacity to solve them,” says Jude Fils-Aimé.