Continuing to Connect

 Some may wonder what happens after our participants receive devices. Are they just forgotten about? 

 The answer is absolutely not!  

 Along with making sure we review their feedback, we also follow up with phone calls to make sure we have met the learners' needs. In addition, we hold Microsoft Excel workshops to help them advance to the next level in their career or educational journey. We continue to invite our participants to other community workshops and to visit us during business hours for tech support. Our Capital Campaign has a goal to build out our Volunteer and Training Center, which will allow us to continue to meet the tech support and training needs of those we serve. We hope our continued contact will encourage our learners to grow in their areas of interest. 

  Thomas Dixon, who is one of our trainers, spends lots of time with our adult digital learners in our MUST Inspire program and Microsoft Excel class. Our Microsoft Excel workshop happens every other Wednesday (the next class is scheduled for 8/23). It is a free virtual workshop and is for beginners who do not know much about Excel. 

Mr. Dixon has truly built amazing relationships with some of the learners who continue to thrive as they move along in their career search or career path. One of our learners says she loved Mr. Dixon's style of teaching and that he made it much easier for her to learn the material. She was able to get her Northstar assessment badge and certificate to advance her skill set. 

  As Inspiredu continues to make strides to provide the resources necessary to get our community connected, we also pride ourselves in continuing to be that touchpoint for our learners. 

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