Staff Highlight: Rekina Jones

Inspiredu Training Specialist

"Each time that we can provide information access — particularly through the means of equipping underserved community households with a computer and internet—we increase the chances of young adults to pursue higher education”. - Rekina Jones

Inspiredu Training Specialists, Rekina Jones, goes above and beyond when implementing curriculum techniques in the classroom. Her energy is infectious, and she has a knack for serving the greater good. She has been working with Inspiredu since 2018 and performs both in-person and virtual training that drive meaningful family engagement and digital literacy learning.

Rekina has great appreciation for her parents' belief in having a computer and internet in her home, attributing her academic success and education journey largely to digital information access that allowed her to learn history outside of school books. Today, she is a proud University of Georgia alum and continues to utilize her access for education growth through training and certification.

Rekina says, "Non-profits offer an array of benefits, both personally and professionally. I find that non-profits allow for great growth opportunities to build on new skills and offer a 'hands-on approach to mission impact where I can connect directly to the communities I serve."

She believes one of the most significant ways to improve equity among communities is to provide access — especially to information. "Each time that we can provide information access — particularly through the means of equipping underserved community households with a computer and internet—we increase the chances of young adults to pursue higher education, for adults to gain more meaningful employment and for families to be more engaged. By helping to bridge the digital divide, we allow the opportunity for underserved youth and adults to become equal competitors in education and the workforce."

Rekina adds, "I have been fortunate to witness the impact of Inspiredu through parents that have — since their experience with Inspiredu — started businesses and new jobs, and youth that has improved school grades. I am truly inspired after each training session by the families that participate and the educators that are involved."

We are incredibly grateful to have enthusiastic staff members like Rekina who can shed light on our families' classrooms and reflect the company's positive growth. Thank you, Rekina!

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