Leverage Technology to Reading and STEM Afterschool


Since the beginning of the school year, our program staff has supported 4th-7th grade after-school students to help them with their reading skills. Our team and virtual reading guides leveraged the technology platform, BookNook, to provide small group and 1:1 reading support through digital books, lessons, and games. Additionally, we assessed students' reading levels and then tracked their progress as they attended regular weekly reading sessions.

Through these weekly sessions, Inspiredu staff witnessed the strides students made with their reading and comprehension skills, and students noticed the impact too! "There are words I learned here that were on my tests at school, and I am happy I already know them!" said Hanna, a 4th grader.

In addition to the reading lessons, the students participated in interactive, hands-on activities meant to introduce students to the world of STEM. At the final session, students looked at pictures of architectural structures and then split into groups to build structures of their own out of dry spaghetti and marshmallows. "I think these activities are fun, and they help me learn a lot," said Mahelet, another 4th grader.

The Inspiredu staff has greatly enjoyed joining these students after school and watching them learn. We are proud to support children in the Clarkston community and look forward to continuing in 2022.