Managing work and online school

Online School

Online School

Parkside Elementary parent Telanda Ridley has five children. All the children are participating in distance learning so Ms. Ridley turned to her school for help.

Thankfully Parkside's Parent Liaison was able to find her a quick solution. Inspiredu is a Parkside school partner and was able to supply the twins who are 5th graders with working laptops.

"The online learning has been difficult, especially keeping the children focused, " explained Ms. Ridley, "so when the laptops stopped working, it was an issue managing assignments. We're grateful Inspiredu was able to give the laptops so the kids could communicate with their teachers and participate in virtual classes."

Managing work, online school and parenting has required some major juggling and "I'm so glad that there are community resources available to help," Ms. Ridley said.

Francesca WilliamsComment