Ways to Secure Internet Safety


At Inspiredu, our children's safety is a top priority. Here are some effective ways to make sure our kids stay protected and secure as they explore the internet!

1. Secure All Passwords and Privacy Settings - We should always be sure to have set rules about what social media platforms our child is utilizing. Keep notes on all their passwords on all platforms to access their pages if ever there is a need. We should be sure to monitor their privacy settings on each platform to ensure their posts are only being shared with people they know. 

2. Have the Security Talk- There are virtual crimes happening constantly, whether it’s stolen identity or human trafficking. Let’s have real conversations with our children about what’s going on online. It is important that we consistently remind them to never to give out personal information like their home address or phone number. We need to maintain an open and honest dialogue to build our children's trust.

3.Check-in on Your Kids While They are Using Their Devices - While we should make sure we allow our kids their private space and time, we also need to make sure we have an idea of what they are doing on the web. Peeping over their shoulder once in a while will help us ensure they are staying away from inappropriate websites or videos.

4.Set Clear Guidelines and Boundaries - There are certain hours a child shouldn’t be on the internet for safety purposes. Online criminals are up all hours of the night.We need to set guidelines for hours permitted, particular websites allowed, and communication boundaries with friends. Just because they have friends online, doesn’t mean it’s always the healthiest situation.

Follow these guidelines, and share some of your own tips with us on social media to help other guardians with internet safety habits for our children.