Annual Sponsor Highlight

Our annual sponsor, Hylaine, is committed to delivering unique, project-based solutions that resolve many of the tough technology challenges that exist for mid-market and Fortune 500 companies.

Our relationship began with Hylaine after long-time supporter, Tamara, and the client engagement executive at Hylaine made the introduction. She says she sees such importance in the mission to bring youth and families access to compete and hopefully level the playing field and make it more equitable. The pandemic showed that even more. 

Adam adds, “I live in Charlotte and see a lot of organizations look like each, but Inspiredu is certainly unique, and their approach to the community and rallying the tech community around having a common goal is a great way to use the platform.”

Hylaine has committed their support for various Inspiredu annual events! At our very first (e)Mazing race, the “Hylaine Ladies” won the overall competition. Between our Drive for Tech Golf Tournament, Ax throwing, Inspire Gala, and (e)Mazing race, they have committed to being a Champion Sponsor to support our families to gain the technology access they need. “Being able to go to the gala, you get to understand what the mission is, and hearing from the moms and their kids that are in the room is wonderful” says Tamara. 


Adam, Founder, and CEO of Hylaine shared, ”We are focused on relationships with companies, organizations, and communities. Also bringing the community together to rally around the cause. For us, this is right in our wheelhouse to support organizations that make our communities better.” 

We appreciate supporters that do so much to help us continue our mission to bridge the digital divide in Atlanta. Looking at 2023 we are well supported by companies like Hylaine to do good in Georgia.