Digital Equity in Georgia - Townhall Series

Our Townhall Series for Digital Equity in Georgia - Leveraging Networks to Close the Digital Divide sponsored by Comcast was held at Westside Works.

We held a lighting round of non-profit community-based organizations that shared their purpose and needs. Those organizations included Techbridge, Urban League of Greater Atlanta, Advocates for Children, and Westside Works.

We had a chance to watch a video of some of our participant’s experiences with our program, their new laptops, and new digital skills. Our Townhall summit was then followed by a fireside discussion with Comcast Executive VP, Broderick Johnson, and our CEO Richard Hicks.

The goal of the event was to bring together leaders from associations and networks across GA to discuss what digital equity means and how we can work together to close the digital divide and we did just that.

Please find the full Townhall LIVE STREAM here. We look forward to seeing you at our next Townhall in February 2023!