Posts tagged comcast
Connect 404 Digital Navigators help us address digital equity

When it comes to reaching our goals – and consistently meeting the needs of those we serve – we wouldn’t go far without our 404 Digital Navigators. Provided through Comcast, these interns help connect the community to resources such our digital literacy workshops and Comcast Internet Essentials. They also serve as ambassadors for Inspiredu by providing research, outreach, planning, and implementation of special projects to promote digital equity. 

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Digital Equity in Georgia - Townhall Series

Our Townhall Series for Digital Equity in Georgia - Leveraging Networks to Close the Digital Divide sponsored by Comcast was held at Westside Works.

We held a lighting round of non-profit community-based organizations that shared their purpose and needs. those organizations included Techbridge, Urban League of Greater Atlanta, Advocates for Children, and Westside Works.

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