Connect 404 Digital Navigators help us address digital equity

When it comes to reaching our goals – and consistently meeting the needs of those we serve – we wouldn’t go far without our Connect 404 Digital Navigators. Provided through Comcast, these interns help connect the community to resources such our digital literacy workshops and Comcast Internet Essentials. They also serve as ambassadors for Inspiredu by providing research, outreach, planning, and implementation of special projects to promote digital equity. 

 A collaborative program  

Developed in partnership with Comcast and Raising Expectations, the Digital Navigators program leverages our combined resources and programs to help bridge the digital divide. Here at Inspiredu, we provide training to Digital Navigators on digital literacy, computer access, and demographic considerations for the populations they will serve. Upon completion of the training, Digital Navigators help facilitate digital skills workshops, canvas in local neighborhoods, and build a more connected community.  

“A great example of this impactful program is Connect 404 Digital Navigator Dequadray White,” shares Inspiredu Volunteer and Engagement Manager Ryan Keesee. “One of our first navigators, Dequadray has developed partnerships with other nonprofits for Inspiredu to provide digital skilling services and participates in Street Team initiatives to spread the word about our programs.” 

   A natural fit  

A veteran of other local nonprofits and cultural arts organizations, Dequadray’s role as a Connect 404 Digital Navigator feels right to him. Growing up in a community south of Atlanta that didn’t have the funding and resources that other metro areas enjoy, Dequadray and his family experienced limitations, including access to technology. 

“In our society, it’s integral to have technology to be successful,” he shares. “Based on my own family, on how I grew up, I see what the community needs. If people don’t have the tech to apply for jobs, to find transportation, even to set up a doctor’s appointment – that hits close to home. I want to be sure everything is accessible to everyone.”  

 Leveraging community connections 

 Dequadray’s nonprofit experience and ties to the local community give him an advantage when it comes to developing valuable partnerships that can provide digital skilling services through Inspiredu. He is committed to building coalitions and relationships with different organizations. “I feel like sometimes we like to operate in a silo and get all the recognition for ourselves,” he explains. “But in the nonprofit world there’s no winner - we’re all trying to serve the community.”  

 Dequadray equates the work to raising a child, and his belief is that it takes a village to do so effectively: “How can I make a village out of all these entities we have access to, to then make the best ecosystem for success?” he asks. “When we work together and people get the resources they need, I know we’re making a difference.”  

 Building a more connected community is an integral part of what it takes to be a successful 404 Digital Navigator. 

 Connect 404 Digital Navigators at a glance 

Dequadray is making an impact, but he can’t do it alone. Here’s a closer look at what it takes to be a Digital Navigator: 

Successful candidates need a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent and are adept at Microsoft Office Essentials such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. They have strong in-person and written communication skills and experience in teaching or training others. They’re also flexible and adaptable to changing environments and timelines.  

Roles and responsibilities include: help to facilitate Digital Skills Workshops, canvas neighborhoods to identify areas of need, support outreach efforts for recruitment, communicate opportunities for engagement over social media platforms, and always remain professional. 

Connect 404 Digital Navigators work 10 hours per week between office and field engagements for a 3-month period with a stipend of $3,888.00 paid at the end of the designated period. They also receive certificates of completion and digital badges for completing Inspiredu proctored programs.