Posts tagged inspiredu
Connect 404 Digital Navigators help us address digital equity

When it comes to reaching our goals – and consistently meeting the needs of those we serve – we wouldn’t go far without our 404 Digital Navigators. Provided through Comcast, these interns help connect the community to resources such our digital literacy workshops and Comcast Internet Essentials. They also serve as ambassadors for Inspiredu by providing research, outreach, planning, and implementation of special projects to promote digital equity. 

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Inspiredu Town hall

It was inspiring to see so many people from the community coming together to share specific opportunities available in our community and solutions to access challenges. We also discussed resources needed for computer science educators and STE(A)M/workforce-focused non-profits and ways the private sector can work in partnership with them to provide the support to build our local STE(A)M workforce from talent cultivated right here in #Atlanta and across the state of Georgia.

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Staff Highlight: Aneta Lee

I have been in the workforce for decades 😊and working for a nonprofit is the only industry that allows me to serve my community with impact.

Why is working on bridging the digital divide important? I believe that the 21st century there is digital inclusive component in every social inequity issue. From homelessness to civic engagement to environmental injustice to workforce development.

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