Breaking Generational Barriers

One of our participants has made a tremendous impact on our organization after taking one of our workshops at United Way’s Learning Spaces. Yesenia Lopez, who recently spoke at our capital campaign, has excelled in her educational journey by taking classes at Atlanta Technical College to become a radiology technician.

Yesenia, the youngest of two siblings, grew up in an all-Spanish-speaking home and wasn’t afforded the opportunities that her children now have access to. Yesenia’s two children, Aden, who’s five, and Violet, who’s four, received a tablet equipped with all pre-k-12 learning apps to teach them for their appropriate grade levels.

She heard about our workshop at the library and thought it was a great opportunity to have more devices in their home, along with the low-income internet service that was also being provided. With this access, Yesenia has been able to get her school work done for the next 3-4 years to work on her associate degree. And in turn, her children get to work on their ABCs and the English language.

Yesenia wants to be very involved in her kids' education and give her kids what she and her sister didn’t have growing up. Some may say this is the perfect recipe for dedication and determination that equals pure success!