Staff Highlight: Aneta Lee

Name Aneta (pronounced like Anita) Lee

Position at Inspiredu: Senior Training Specialist

 How long have you been working at IUATL? I have been a fan of the organization since 2015 and an active member since 2017!

 What are your day-to-day job functions? My day-to-day activities have evolved over the years. I currently serve as an advisor, trainer, and advocate in our Programs Department. I provide digital literacy training to parents and adults; I assist with program development in adult digital literacy, and I advocate on behalf of Inspiredu on the impacts of the digital divide in our community.

 What motivates you to work for a nonprofit? I have been in the workforce for decades 😊and working for a nonprofit is the only industry that allows me to serve my community with impact.

 Why is working on bridging the digital divide important? I believe that the 21st century there is digital inclusive component in every social inequity issue. From homelessness to civic engagement to environmental injustice to workforce development.

 Any stories you want to share about your education journey? My personal education journey was a non-traditional route. I am an example of the expression. “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” It took me 15 years to get that 4-year degree and I wouldn’t change my path for anything.

 Anything you'd like to add? I am so excited to be a part of the evolution of Inspiredu. I look forward to our continued pursuit of closing the digital divide in Georgia – one family at a time.