Board Highlight: Michele Noll
“Thanks to Inspiredu’s vision of being a key connector driving digital inclusion and literacy, and the generous help of its supporters, many people are benefiting from these life-changing skills. “Seeing this kind of success motivates me to do even more.”
Q: As an Inspiredu board member, what excites you the most?
A: "I look forward to connecting with other like-minded board members when promoting this worthwhile cause."
“Inspiredu is an impressive organization with a long-standing goal of helping individuals and families gain technological independence. I know I take this independence for granted."
"I see how other Inspiredu board members impact the community through their training, donations, and time. I cannot wait to join them, dig into impact, and help bridge the digital divide within our communities here in Georgia."
Q: What is a typical day like for Michele?
A: "I am one of those crazy morning people. I love getting up early before everyone else and starting my day with prayer, gratitude, and music. I do this intentionally to set the stage for a great day."
"As a morning-duty parent, I have extra time to spend with my kids individually, giving them an excellent start to their day."
"After the kids are off, I spend the day working with my clients, encouraging them to continue with their growth mindset skills. This perspective also keeps me focused on my objectives."
Q: How do you relate to Inspiredu's mission, values, and work?
A: "As I stare at my desk with three laptops and two monitors, I am humbled to think about what my day would be like without computer skills, the Internet, and a laptop to help me do my job.
Inspiredu has enlightened me on the many challenges these families face without a computer.
How can students do their homework after school, or their parents find employment opportunities without the necessary tools to be successful?"
“Thanks to Inspiredu's vision of being a key connector driving digital inclusion and literacy, and the generous help of its supporters, many people are benefiting from these life-changing skills. Seeing this kind of success motivates me to do even more."
Thank you so much, Michele, for your positive impact on the many people you serve in our community.