Multigenerational Learning


In November, we worked with the Dekalb County Office of Youth Services and partnered with Innovative Solutions for Disadvantaged and Disability on Project Grandd. An organization that helps grandparents care for grandchildren with developmental disabilities, chronic health conditions, and learning and behavior disorders. We served 12 families who participated at the South Dekalb senior center on Candler Rd in Decatur, GA, during that time.

We presented a digital skills workshop for two and a half hours, where the grandparents and kids took the Northstar Digital Literacy Test to earn badges.

family learning

One high-functioning autistic student needed extra accommodations, and our trainer, Amber, had a 1-on-1 session with that family. She has a gift for working with special needs and kept the experience calm. We also had a few Digital Champions to help distribute documents and assist grandparents with their needs. In the end, each family received a home learning center to continue their skills on their own. 

On February 18th, we will work with Dekalb County Office of Youth Services again. This time the partnership will include Goodwill of North Georgia, which specializes in career development and training. We will conduct our adult literacy workshop with people ages 16-24. They will also complete the Northstar Digital Literacy Test and a digital skills workshop and receive laptops. We expect as many as 50 attendees and Digital Champions are invited to join and help. The goal is to allocate more laptops with this partnership, and there may be ample opportunity for another workshop and more Digital Champions to get involved. For more info, click here.