Savannah Neighborhoods


We held another workshop and device distribution in Savannah this month at Woodville Thompson High School. With over 47 families registered, we had hundreds of people in attendance. The youth in attendance ranged in age from elementary to middle schoolers.

Our 2 hour workshop was full of lots of fun and interactive activities. Inspiredu resident trainer Vuong Nguyen, who is passionate about helping the kids learn, showed them our basic computer skills workshop and had plenty of engagement from the families. “I specifically had one child ask me what happens if an HDMI and VGA cord were connected at the same time, and that’s the kind of learning we like to spark.”

Our programming team was able to facilitate an extremely successful workshop for the participants in a nice sized auditorium. We also had a handful of volunteers from Gulfstream help to assist our workshop and distribution. They helped the learners with computer needs, paperwork, and passing out items like school supplies and Kroger cards. We are so thankful to the families who came out and excited about the possibility of continuing to expand in that community.