2023 Inspire Gala

Inspiredu hosted the 2023 Inspire Gala presented by EY this past Friday, September 15th, at the Illuminarium Atlanta.

The night was an immersive experience of what we stand for and the true impact we have in our community.

We presented our Service Award to Sage, who has been a tremendous help to us this year. As Bre Pittman, Sage Foundation Coordinator for North America accepted the award, she said, “It is so wonderful helping this amazing organization and doing meaningful work.”

Our Community Partners award was presented to three different organizations who each made an incredible impact this year. We presented awards to Patrice Meadows of Atlanta SMART Academy, Sandra Lake of Brumby Elementary School, and Tammy Miller of Bridge Inc.  Our partnerships truly mean the world to our program, and we are proud to work together with them to bridge the digital divide in our community.

Inspiredu is honored to rename our annual Family of the Year award in honor of Lillian Hicks. The Owens family couldn’t be a more deserving family to receive the first Lillian Hicks Family of the Year Award. We are glad to have changed their lives for the better through technology. 

Our CEO Richard Hicks had some inspiring words to share as he reminded us that there is still a threat of talent shortage through the tech pipeline, and we must continue our work to uplift families through education and technology.

We have more to come this fall with our Digital Skills Workshops, Drive for Tech Golf Tournament, and our Giving Tuesday Phone-a-thon. We hope to continue receiving your support as we work to bridge the digital divide!

Learn more about how to fund a family!