Making Coastal Connections: Spotlight on Savannah  

Making Coastal Connections: Spotlight on Savannah  

 Our mission to promote digital equity extends beyond our home base in Atlanta. We’re committed to empowering residents across Georgia with essential digital skills to help bridge the gap, foster economic growth, and create opportunities for all. That’s why we’re excited about our coastal connections, specifically Savannah. 

 “Access to digital education is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today's world, especially for communities in underserved areas where resources are often limited,” explains Inspiredu CEO Richard Hicks. “That’s why we’re thrilled to bring our digital literacy workshops to Savannah, extending our reach into other areas of Georgia.”         

 Valued partners get the word out 

  Expanding into new areas starts with the right connections. We needed trusted local organizations to help reach the families who would most benefit from our services. With deep roots in the community, YMCA of Coastal Georgia and Savannah-Chatham County schools sent out marketing messaging about our workshops. Also, YMCA of Coastal Georgia was gracious enough to connect us with Savannah Technical College. Parent University, a local nonprofit dedicated to forming bridges between the community and local schools, also helped connect us with families in need.  

 We’ve been fortunate to host workshops at Woodville-Tompkins High School and plan to expand to Savannah-Chatham County schools and libraries in 2025.  In addition, community leaders like Candace Thigpen, training specialist from Summit Training, and Gulf Stream employee volunteers helped to make the workshops a success. 
 A winning formula 

 Our family learning workshops are tailored to be approachable and effective for high-need families. Each session is typically 3 hours long, so all ages can stay engaged. Upon arrival, families register, fill out some pertinent information, and engage with our staff and volunteers. 

 From there, participants learn about digital literacy, basic Microsoft suite, plus safety and caring for their laptops. After a short survey, they receive their own laptop to take home. Based on our surveys, families find the workshops engaging and generally have a great time.  

 The Houston family’s story 

 Prior to attending our workshop, Barneisha Houston and her family relied on a mobile device for internet access. Understandably, this was a challenge for her two children to engage in homework. Now, they have one of our laptops that they use for this purpose.  

“My children are now doing much better in school,” Houston explained. “They’re able to turn assignments in on time and have better grades. I can also print things we need which is very helpful.” 

 Get a glimpse of our March workshop and its impact on another family above. 

 By the numbers 

 So far this year, we’ve hosted two Family Learning Workshops: one in March, and a second in June. Together, they resulted in: 

· 88 devices distributed 

· 220 learners - 98 adults, 122 children/youth 

When combined with our two workshops in 2023, that totals: 

· 206 devices distributed 

· 509 learners - 227 adults and 282 children/youth 

 Altogether, that’s 203 families served in the Savannah region with just 4 workshops!  

  Ongoing impact 

  We’re just getting started in coastal Georgia. Looking ahead, our goal is to expand our territory, create new partnerships, and promote our services in the community. This way, we can continue to conduct digital learning workshops and serve area families. More specifically, we hope to partner with the local school systems in the near future.  

 For Inspiredu CEO Richard Hicks, this is the essence of our mission: “Our commitment to Savannah and other areas in Georgia underscores our dedication to inclusivity and the belief that every individual deserves the tools they need to thrive in the digital age."