Meet 2024 Family of the Year


Naomi Carter and her daughter, Skylar Rose Porter, are the recipients of the 4th annual Lillian Hicks Family of the Year Award. This yearly recognition celebrates families who have shown resilience, growth, and a commitment to education through Inspiredu. 

The Carter/Porter’s journey to Inspiredu, and ultimately to this award, began during a challenging time. "I’d been laid off from my job at the same time there were issues at Skylar’s school," Naomi recalls. "I decided to pull her out and enroll her in online school, but we didn’t have a computer for her at home and I couldn’t afford to buy one at the time.” 

In February, a friend reached out about one of Inspiredu's family learning workshops to be held at Tabernacle of Faith Church. "She told me about the workshop and said we could attend together,” Naomi shares. “And to be honest, it felt like divine intervention, because it was something I had prayed for.”  

Once she arrived, Naomi was in for a big surprise: the free computer we offer workshop participants. “That was a huge blessing for us,” she says. 

But the workshop did more than simply provide a laptop for Naomi and Skylar: it offered hands-on digital training. "It was an interactive experience, which was great," Naomi explains. "They showed us how to use the computer and the installed apps. It was Skylar’s first real exposure to this kind of technology.”  

Since the workshop in February, having a computer at home has drastically improved their lives. "It’s been pretty awesome," Naomi says. "Skylar now has her own device so she doesn’t have to use mine. It’s given her a sense of independence, and she’s even shown me some things she is learning." 


Now, Inspiredu will continue to invest in Skylar’s education. As Family of the Year, $1,000 will be deposited to a Georgia 529 Pathway Plan that Skylar can use when she enrolls in college or technical school. "I’m incredibly honored to receive this award," Naomi says with emotion. "It’s a huge blessing, both now and for Skylar’s future. For that I will be forever grateful." 

Naomi’s gratitude for the Inspiredu program even has her considering working as a volunteer in the future. “I’d love to pass on the blessing I received to other families in the community.” 

The Carter/Porters’ story is a testament to the power of community, support, and the life-changing impact that education and technology can have on a family. Their journey with Inspiredu is an inspiration, showing that even in challenging times, a hand up can provide a path forward. 

Naomi and Skylar were honored at this year’s Inspire Gala on Thursday, September 12.