Digital Champions like DeLisa Chambers

DeLisa Chamber is a National Sales Executive who has known about Inspiredu since she got involved back in 2013-2014 when she served on the TAG Society, which was Connected Content at the time. And she’s been a supporter ever since.

Currently serving on the Volunteer Engagement Committee, Delisa says, “I believe in the mission and really enjoy hearing the stories of those who have benefitted from this organization. Very impactful and I feel honored to stand alongside others for such a great cause. Inspiredu is such a wonderful organization and bridges the much-needed digital gap in our community today.”

Delisa shared a story about a time she was touched by a participant's story. “It was actually during a Digital Champion session. The individual I was teamed with served in the military and was disabled. The computer was going to enable him to track his medical records as well as help him look for remote work due to his disability.” Overall, she says it is really nice meeting individuals from all walks of life.

Delisa says it's really simple to sign up to be a Digital Champion. All that is needed is to attend an orientation session to understand the process. Then simply sign up for a workshop that fits your schedule.

She says the time spent volunteering is very rewarding and she feels that she gets back much more than she gives!