Board Highlight: Chris Betz

A cause is, the effectiveness of the offering is firmly dependent upon the perception of the people who lead and manage the cause. – in other words, the like-ability and trust in these people.
— Chris Betz

Q. As an Inspiredu board member, what are you most excited about?

For me, what’s always fueled my enthusiasm for being a member of the Executive Board is being a part of such a great team of leaders who share a passion for what Inspiredu does. A massive part of the success of Inspiredu and the growth it achieved is the collective effort everyone puts in. An old proverb says something like, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” And I think we’ve got a pretty great chain if you ask me. – Certainly, something to be proud of.

Q. What is your current job and what does it involve?

I’m the Owner of a small staffing and professional services company proHIRE Resources, LLC. About a year and a half ago I arrived at a very fortunate situation that cultivated my goal to start my own practice. I’ve been even more fortunate to have colleagues and a network of well-respected professionals who’ve played significant roles in the growing success of proHIRE resources. – For which I am eternally grateful.

Q. What is a day like in the life of Chris?

I would have to say there are two common denominators dominating my day-in-and-day-out activities.

· First would be supporting existing clients by perpetually striving to fine-tune quality service. – Dialogue throughout the day listening and learning how to best support their needs.

· And second involves continuously building and maintaining a healthy network of professionals to work with and support. As technology is ever-evolving, it's important to have a thriving network of diverse and ever-evolving people to both work with as clients, as well as to effectively support the clients with the talent they need. Without a strong network of supportive leaders and talent in my industry, success is most likely impossible.

Q. How do you relate to Inspiredu’s mission, values, and/or work.

I'll probably sound like a broken record to anyone who knows me and who has heard me talk about what I like most about Inspiredu. But regardless of how good or necessary an organization’s product, service – or in this case – a cause is, the effectiveness of the offering is firmly dependent upon the perception of the people who lead and manage the cause. – in other words, the like-ability and trust in these people. What Inspiredu gives and how the organization helps our community is absolutely and undeniably essential and indispensable. – No one can argue this. And I’ve said it time and time again, the organization is so successful because people who support the organization both trust and like Richard Hicks the CEO, as well as all the members of his team. I’ll even go as far as to say those of us that truly know them, genuinely love them as a family, and will do everything we can to aid in their effort and success. – In this case, helping give access to digital technology regardless of economic or social status and particularly to those that are underserved.

I feel I relate to the mission, values, and work of Inspiredu and their team because I recognize the need to be trusted and liked by the people who support me for my business to be successful – as well as the importance to provide quality service to those same people. – And most importantly, sharing their passion and compassion for digital inclusion with the people we serve.