Sponsor Highlight: Pyramid Consulting

We wanted to take the moment to highlight our presenting sponsor of the Drive for Tech Golf tournament for 2 years in a row now, Pyramid Consulting. Pyramid Consulting’s mission is To enable its customers to become more agile and competitive through innovative utilization of technology, process, and people. Pyramid Consulting is Intentionally Inclusive. Their core values spell out the word “CHAIRS” to represent what they believe in every day and signify that they provide everyone a chair and a seat at the table.

We had the chance to speak to Keerti Gupta, who manages the southeast portfolio for the company. Keerti plays an instrumental role in the connection between Inspiredu and Pyramid Consulting. She was introduced to Inspiredu a number of years ago through the organization Vibha which held an invite to connect nonprofits like Inspiredu to opportunities for mentorship. There is when she began to see the impact Inspiredu was making on the community. She also attended the Inspire Gala in 2021 and shared a heartfelt post on her linkedin about how touched and inspired she was by this event. “A family and a little kid got up on stage and I saw how Inspiredu was changing lives, one life at a time.  This touched my heart.” 

Keerti and her team have volunteered several times in the warehouse and participated in Inspiredu signature events like the (e)Mazing race, the townhalls etc.  “The biggest joy is to see the look on the face of the kids when a backpack is delivered to them.”

Keerti has been working with Pyramid for over 8 years now and loves what she does. She goes on to explain the intention behind Pyramid Consulting's decision to be a sponsor for Inspiedu Drive for Tech Golf Tournament. Pyramid has a Corporate initiative called being "Intentionally inclusive".  The program is a corporate initiative, a business imperative and is designed to have a community impact.   The program is focused on providing all people equal access to opportunity through intentional DE&I programs, initiatives, and partnerships.  The company is taking actions that can increase diversity in both their contingent and fulltime workforce.  They are moving the conversation from just supplier diversity to true workforce diversity, and taking measurable actions to increase their contingent workforce.  The Genspark division of Pyramid Consulting is aimed at bringing in early career diverse technology talent.  The company hires, trains, and deploys GenSpark graduates to cultivate the next generation of programmers. With a mission to close the opportunity gap for underrepresented groups in technologies, the company finds hidden talent with the principles of Intentionally Inclusive. Inspiredu’s mission really aligns with its Genspark initiative. “And when you look at our communities that Inspiredu serves, they don’t have the opportunity and the training."

The CEO Sanjeev was inspired to start Genspark after an encounter at a local California pizza kitchen while having dinner he met an African American waiter that had a degree in engineering yet still couldn’t place a job in the industry. They have been so committed to this program that in just the last year they graduated 750 students nationwide of which 75% of the students were of diverse backgrounds. 

Keerti says, “sponsoring the golf tournament gives us a platform to partner with our customers who share the same values as us. It gives us an opportunity to spend time with customers who believe in the same organizations that we believe in as well “

Pyramid Consulting looks forward to doing much more volunteering with Inspiredu in the near future and looks forward to this year's Drive For Tech Golf Tournament on October 10th, 2023!