Driving a more sustainable community


Inspiredu's technical team is dedicated to sustainability by extending the lifecycle of devices that have been graciously donated by Corporations and Individuals. The Technical team uses their technical expertise to transform the donated devices into Home Learning Centers that are further distributed to our local families, community-based organizations, and students. Inspiredu works hand in hand with Ecycle Atlanta to recycle the devices that have reached the end of their lifecycle in an eco-friendly manner.

  In 2022, we were able to repurpose 1358 laptops for educational use. Our team works diligently on giving donated laptops the repairs needed to get them into households for learning.  So, what do we do with the parts that are truly unsalvageable? We e-cycle! Our electronic recycling method involves a rigorous recycling process that includes separating key components that we deem useful for repurposing from the heavily damaged, unsalvageable parts for our partners at E-cycle Atlanta. Together, we properly diverted 36,000 pounds of technology away from landfills. It is through these tremendous efforts and your support that we are able to sustainably bridge the digital divide. 


 This month, to kick off Earth Month, we will be joining forces with several companies to collect their unused electronics. We will also hold our very own Earth Day E-drive to collect electronics from the local community to bring them back to our location to continue to #donate2educate our community.  

Learn more about joining our sustainable movement