Volunteer Salute: Kevin McBride

Meet one of our new volunteers, Kevin McBride, who has been consistently showing up to serve our families. He is an Account Executive at Optomi and has been a volunteer for about 8 months now. He began volunteering after meeting Carmen and Marcus at an event in the summer of last year and immediately wanted to get involved.

Kevin says he believes in the mission because “Although there are an infinite number of ways we can make a positive difference in the world, I have always believed that education is one of the biggest vessels to drive change. A vital resource in today's world to learn and educate ourselves is technology: computers and phones.”

 He shared one of his experiences with us and how it impacted him as a volunteer. “I had the opportunity to travel out to an Inspiredu center in South Atlanta and we gave the families their devices. There was one woman who was shocked to hear that they would be taking the laptop home. The mother was so appreciative about it and the boy was so excited that he ran over and gave me a hug. She did not have much experience using computers before either, and it was very rewarding to help her learn how to navigate and use the computer effectively. “

Kevin is truly enthusiastic about volunteering with Inspiredu and he believes that being able to play a part in the mission of driving societal change by providing equal access to technology in our communities and seeing the impact is incredibly rewarding and inspiring. We salute Kevin today for his hard work as a Digital Champion!