Posts tagged volunteer
Another Volunteer Appreciation Success

We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating our volunteers at our Volunteer Appreciation Event for #volunteermonth at Punch Bowl Social last week. It is because of our volunteers that we are able to withstand the amount of work that comes with changing lives through technology and education. Through your efforts, we are truly able to serve our community with technology.

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 The Champions of Service 

Have you heard? The Digital Champions Program has a whole new look. Inspiredu Digital Champions now capture all volunteer opportunities to bridge the digital divide. The expansion of the Digital Champions program has also shifted our Digital Literacy Workshop volunteers to Digital Navigators to align with the national initiative.

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Volunteer Salute

“You can’t get time back, and time is the most precious thing to give if you can’t donate. Not everyone can donate money so the next best thing is to give your time to an organization like Inspiredu. You may be able to network if you’re aspiring to get into the tech industry, it’s a great way for you to give back to the community but also get to know the community and the folks that may have a job for you down the line.”

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